Garden Tours
Garden tours of one kind or another have been a part of the Saskatchewan Perennial Society from the very beginning. Initially, these were excursions to public or private gardens of note. The very first excursion in the summer of 1988 was a horticultural tour of Honeywood Lilies led by Dr. Bert Porter and Allan Daku. The next excursion took our members for a walk through the park. A two-hour guided tour of the Forestry Farm Park led by Spence Rossmo. The first year was rounded out with a wildflower and plant tour of the Beaver Creek Conservation Area. The very first garden tour of member or private gardens was held in July 1989, and we have been going ever since.
Gardeners join in this activity for a variety of reasons: inspiration for their own garden, enjoyment of the beauty, color and artistic design, or just to mingle with like-minded folks and while away a Sunday afternoon.
How does it work?
The Calendar of Events lists the first house on the Garden Tour. At this location you will be met by one of our volunteers who will give you the addresses to all the gardens on the tour. You can then visit the gardens on the list at your leisure. Sometimes if you are unable to drive, arrangements can be made to carpool with other gardeners.
Our garden tours are open to the public and are free.