S.P.S. Newsletter - May, 1988
Excerpts from the first Newsletter of the Society, edited by Ted Christensen
Here we go! The first issue of the Saskatchewan Perennial Society Publication. It is titled, for the time being, with startling originality, "Newsletter". I'm sure that our members can come up with a more lively name, avoiding both pretension and terminal dullness. All suggestions will be considered, with SPS members getting the final say by means of a vote.
This issue is mostly a quick attempt to let you know about the first few planned meetings, and to fill you in on what is happening. We've managed to fit in a couple of articles, but to justify the name with a bit more snap and sparkle than "Newsletter" we have a ways to go.
Our most important need is for writers. We have a few people with word processors, and typing or layout skills, it shouldn't be too hard to turn out a magazine with at least an acceptable appearance. But if we don't have something to say the trees are better left standing, or the paper still on the shelf. So we are definitely in the market for accounts of the experiences of all of the members. Not just the most "expert" or experienced people, a good question is better than an indifferent answer, and a bit of humour is harder to find than either. Those of you who do get your thoughts down on paper will discover a fringe benefit; the process of choosing words forces you to refine your thinking. The writer often learns as much from writing as the reader!
Perennial: n. any plant which, had it lived, would have bloomed year after year.
The SPS Steering Committee
Sara Williams, Acting President - Propagation
Duff Spafford, Acting Treasurer - Constitution and Bylaws
Ted Christensen, Acting Secretary - Newsletter
Bob Caldwell - Membership
Sharon Leach - Membership
Spence Rossmo
Grant Wood - Library & Programming
Summary of Minutes: Founding Meeting - Wednesday, April 20, 1988
The meeting was held at the Forestry Farm, with about 65 people in attendance. Sara Williams chaired the meeting. She discussed the proposed goals of a society concerned with the growing of perennial plants and woody ornamentals.
Sharon Leach explained the proposed interaction of such a society with the Forestry Farm. Spence Rossmo exhibited a proposed design for a display garden of perennials, to be located at the Forestry Farm.
After discussion, it was decided that the present Steering Committee would continue in office until a later date, when a Constitution and Bylaws will be adopted and elections held. A membership fee of $5.00 for the balance of 1988 was adopted by vote.
Saskatchewan Perennial Society was chosen as the name of the organization. A motion establishing this society was made and confirmed by a vote of the meeting. Proposed committees were discussed. These include: Constitution and Bylaws, Membership, Propagation, Programming, Newsletter, Plant Exchange.
It was decided to set up a bank account for the society with the President, Treasurer, and Secretary having signing authority (any two signatures required on a cheque).
The meeting then adjourned.
Aphid: n. insect pest which inphests gardens and makes gardeners phoam at the mouth, stamp their pheet, and utter phour-letter words.
Summary of Minutes: Steering Committee - Tuesday, May 10, 1988
The Treasurer, Duff Spafford reported that we had received $215.00 for 43 memberships.
An SPS library was discussed. A room will be available at the Forestry Farm. The U of S will provide all currently available University and Department of Agriculture pamphlets. A club membership in the Horticultural Book Club, so that SPS members could have specialized books available for purchase without taking on book club obligations and the SPS could use bonus books for the library. An offer from another publisher for a discount on books and from a bulb importer for a discount on bulbs was also discussed.
Members of the Steering Committee were named to head various operating committees (as above). The green membership forms were reviewed to determine which members were interested in serving on which committees. It is expected that committee chairs will be getting in contact with people interested.
Programs were discussed, with details for the May, June and July meetings being decided. Gord Howe, PFRA Director, Indian Head, has agreed to give a program on ornamental trees and shrubs, new and old, for our December meeting.
It was decided to get out a newsletter in May, carrying notices for the May, June and July meetings. At present the newsletter will be published every second month.
The meeting was adjourned.
Program Announcements
May 29, 2-4 pm, Perennial Plant Exchange and Tea
June 14, 7-9 pm, Introduction to the Vegetative Propagation of Perennials, with Sara Williams
July 10, 9.30 am to 5 pm, Horticultural Tour of Honeywood Lilies, with Dr. Porter & Allan Daku
gardening: n. the art of killing weeds and bugs to aid in the growing of flowers and crops for animals and birds to eat.